“What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?” - George Eliot

Meet Laurie Cameron, ACC

I’m passionate about helping you and your team members easily build mutual trust so you can communicate openly, resolve conflicts respectfully, and accomplish the mission you came together to achieve.

I know your mission is important to you, and you know your greatest strength is your people. You also know that assembling a fully engaged, resilient workforce can be both promising and frustrating.

When you bring two or more people together, they bring their own ‘stuff’ with them – their unique personalities, passions, preferences, filters, fears, communication styles, opinions, and quirks. And one person’s stuff can easily clash with another person’s stuff. 

People who share a common purpose may not always see eye-to-eye on how to fulfill that purpose. Unresolved interpersonal conflicts can cause the most committed mission-driven companies to unintentionally sacrifice valuable time, waste hard-earned profit, and compromise their responsibility to all their stakeholders.

By empowering everyone in your company to integrate the qualities of powerful coaching into your daily thoughts, words, and actions, I help you create a high relating and a high performing workforce that easily drives your mission forward.


More about The Coaching Culture Coach™

Why I do What I do

Throughout my life, I’ve both witnessed and experienced relationships shattered by miscommunication, drama, fear, anger, and assumptions.

My persistent desire for people to “just get along” launched my journey as a professional coach in 1998, then my promise to 130 ninth-graders in 2008 further cemented my own purpose:

The world I want to leave our children is one in which each of us knows how to build relationships that are sustained by mutual trust, kindness, respect, and compassion. It’s only when we feel safe, valued, and connected that we can accomplish meaningful work together.

My unique approach to helping you build a sustainable Coaching Culture from the inside out emerged from my belief that interpersonal communication is shaped primarily by who you’re being on the inside, before you open your mouth.

So I partner with you to help every person in your organization embody the coaching mind-set and heart-set. This simple strategy builds and sustains a work environment that is kind, empathetic, respectful, accountable, compassionate, productive and resilient.

I choose to work with mission-driven companies — especially Certified B Corps and companies in the B Corp pipeline — for two main reasons:

    1. When I help you fulfill your mission to serve others and heal the planet, my positive ripple effect in the world grows exponentially.
    2. My work with you is also an integral part of my own path to becoming a Certified B Corp. I believe this movement is undeniably essential for our global health and wellbeing, and I’m committed to joining the B Hive community and using WAKE UP! Enterprises as “a force for good.”

I want what you want

We both want you to succeed in your mission to make the planet a healthier and happier place.

We both want our children, their children, and the generations to come to have a clean, vibrant world where they can live and work in peace. 

To be honest, I‘d love to help you achieve a level of success with your vision and mission that surprises you!

When I’m not training, coaching, writing, and mentoring leaders who coach their teams, I’m exploring new hiking trails and beaches in the Pacific Northwest, spending quality time with my entirely-too-adorable grandkidlets, or pondering the mysteries of life with a nice glass of local Pinot Noir.

Your Wake Up Calls