"You don’t build a business; you build the people, then the people build the business.” - Zig Ziglar

You're a hard-working, mission-driven leader.

And I know you’re committed to making a big difference in your community and in the world.

Sustaining a work environment that empowers your team members to show up as their best selves day after day in order to fulfill that mission can be a daunting task.

But you know it's worth it.

You know your people are the heart and soul of your company.

You also know your workplace environment can either make or break your company’s success.

Are you an Evolutionary Leader?

Even if you feel your team already works together pretty well, there’s always room for improvement. I’m sure you understand the value of consistent personal and professional development and the impact it has on your team’s success.

An Evolutionary Leader is one who intentionally designs and creates a work environment that inspires their team to be wiser and more productive today than they were yesterday, and to show up more confidently tomorrow than they did today.

This is where I come in.

Making positive changes in the world begins with making positive changes in how you support your employees, and I have a talent for waking up people’s innate capacity for respectful communication and productive collaboration.

As your Coaching Culture Coach™, I help dedicated leaders like you cultivate a powerful, and most importantly, a sustainable Coaching Culture by building a kind, fully engaged, resilient, high performing workforce from the inside out. This is how they will drive your company’s mission forward.

Let's work together!

STEP 1: Review the services below

STEP 2: Select the one(s) you want to start with that will serve you and your team’s needs best

STEP 3: Complete and submit the form below (or visit the Contact Page) and we’ll get it figured out!

NOTE: each of the programs below will be custom-tailored to the unique needs of you and your team.

Coaching Skills for Leaders Full Day Seminar

Are you on the growing list of leaders and managers whose job description includes coaching your team members? If not, you probably should be because three years of research by Google concluded that strong coaching skills ranks as the #1 Leadership and Management skill.

Even if you *think* you’re coaching your team, are you just winging it based on what you’ve heard about coaching?

Leave the guesswork behind and learn to coach your team from a Master Mentor Coach and Coach Trainer.

This can be facilitated as a one-day seminar in person, or shorter, multi-day sessions virtually.

Click Here for more details

Half-Day Seminars

These can be facilitated in person (travel expenses may be added) or virtually via Zoom

Leading from the Heart by Creating Your TO-BE List

If you haven’t created your Leadership TO-BE List yet, your effectiveness as a leader will always fall short. It’s not enough to just check off lots of things from your TO-DO list.

Who you’re BEing on the inside impacts – either positively or negatively – everything you DO. Create your own TO-BE list that will easily guide your daily decision-making and coaching your team. You’ll also attract more values-focused and vision-aligned team members.

You’ll leave this highly interactive seminar knowing:

    • Why your Inner WHY matters more than anything that you DO to inspire your team
    • How to shift from a TO-DO mindset to a TO-BE mindset as a leader
    • The REAL business you’re in – regardless of what your company does or sells
    • Practical, personalized guidelines you can use every day to lead from your heart

Hack Your Anger – Four Simple Steps to Transforming Your Relationship to Anger

Learn the REAL source of your anger. (HINT: it’s not what you think it is!) Learn four simple steps to disrupt your automatic fight-or-flight response to anger, conflict and frustration. Create more inner peace in your life by changing your relationship to anger.

You’ll leave this fun and energetic seminar knowing:

    • Where anger really lives in your life and how to observe it from a more neutral perspective, rather than mindlessly get sucked into it
    • How to get out of the destructive fight-or-flight response that often accompanies anger, frustration and conflict
    • A simple and practical 4-step process you can use any time you feel angry and want to respond in a healthy and constructive way

“I didn’t realize I had a relationship to anger! But I now know I need to manage anger like I manage all my other relationships.” Construction Company Office Manager

“I really like the 4 steps – it’s a simple process that’s easy to understand and use.” Human Resources Manager

The WAKE UP! Enterprises Signature Program

Are you ready for a fully customized plan of action to create a sustainable Coaching Culture in your team, company, or organization?

I’m ready to help you do that!

Here’s how we’ll WAKE UP! your workforce in four phases with the:


PHASE 1: Prime the pump for workforce/mission alignment and lay the foundation for an efficient implementation strategy.

  • Together we’ll identify your employees’ key perceptions and pain points about your company’s culture.
  • You’ll learn where your workforce culture is out of alignment with your company’s vision and mission.
  • We’ll co-create the best strategy to prepare your entire workforce to integrate the power of coaching into their daily thoughts, words, and actions.

PHASE 2: Empower everyone in your company to speak a common language of empathy, respect and productivity

  • Together we’ll establish the most efficient timeline for delivering the foundational trainings to your entire workforce.
  • Everyone in your company will strengthen their ability to communicate efficiently and resolve conflicts respectfully, so you’ll waste less time micromanaging interpersonal issues.
  • You’ll gain more confidence in your team members’ ability to collaborate effectively so they can achieve their goals and fulfill your company’s vision.

PHASE 3: Raise all your leaders’ skills to the next level so they can coach their teams with confidence

  • I’ll help you and your leaders build on the foundational training by adding time-tested coaching tools to their leadership toolboxes.
  • Your leadership team will learn a simple process to skillfully coach direct reports in as little as three or four minutes.
  • You’ll minimize lost profit from inefficiency and miscommunication, and you’ll increase productivity, retention, and employee engagement.

PHASE 4: Support your workforce in their continued growth to sustain their Coaching Culture

  • I’ll help you avoid the post-training back-slide by forming mastermind cohorts throughout your organization to make sure their new communication habits stick.
  • Together we’ll design a powerful sustainability plan with a customized blend of skills refreshers, employee development coaching, and leadership coaching mastery.
  • You and your employees will easily leverage your new knowledge into a healthier workplace culture that is fully aligned with your company’s mission.

If you're you ready to embed the coaching mindset and heartset into everything your people think, say and do, then I'm ready to help!

Please complete this form to help me understand your current situation, goals and gaps. I’ll be in touch to schedule a complimentary, no-obligation call to explore how I can help you build your people so you can achieve your mission together.

If you have just a quick question or comment, please contact me here.

Fill out my online form.