Welcome to the World of Coaching!

“You cannot teach a man anything;
you can only help him to find it within himself.” 
~ Galileo ~

Welcome, I look forward to working with you and supporting you on your amazing journey!

In order to build a powerful coach-client alliance with you, and co-create the path to what you want, it’s important that you and I fully own our respective roles, and that my policies are clear.

Please read this page carefully, and if you agree to everything stated, complete the brief form at the bottom of this page, click “I agree”, then submit the form. If there’s anything you have a question or concern about, please call me at 303-740-0352 or contact me here before you submit the form. THANK YOU!

Get the most out of your coaching experience

This guide will help you maximize the value of our coaching relationship and optimize your investment in the coaching process.

Coaching works best when you know what you want and can translate those wants and dreams into clear, specific goals. If you don’t know what you want in your life, that’s a good place for us to begin our focus in our coaching sessions.

We are all faced with challenges in our lives. The trick to resolving them is to acknowledge them, feel them, then learn from them. What can you learn about the way you handle the difficult “stuff” in your life? What can you do differently next time to handle it better? You have no control over the things that happen to you, but taking personal responsibility for your own life means choosing how you respond to those challenges, and accepting the consequences of your actions.

You are a whole and complete person – Mind, Body, and Spirit. Taking care of your emotional needs, but slacking off on your fitness needs causes imbalance. Concentrating on your spiritual self, but ignoring your mental health creates the same results – imbalance. Get in the habit of doing at least one thing just for yourself in each of the three areas EVERY DAY.

My job as your coach is to hold you accountable to what you tell me you want.  I will ask you to expand your comfort “envelope” farther out than you have in the past.  Some of the things I will invite you to do are:

    • Experiment and try new things
    • Question your current assumptions
    • Set goals that stretch you
    • Get the support you need to reach your goals
    • Raise your personal standards
    • Stop tolerating “toxic” people & situations
    • Do your chosen fieldwork between sessions
    • Start treating yourself much, much better

Important Distinctions

WHAT I DO AS YOUR COACH:                 

    • Hold you accountable to what you tell me you want
    • Listen openly and actively          
    • Ask powerful questions that help you tap into your own wisdom
    • Reflect/mirror back to you what I hear from and see in you
    • Help you clarify and focus on your definition of success
    • Trust you to make your own decisions
    • Show up with your best interests at heart
    • Advocate for your highest intentions
    • Believe in you and your greatest potential
    • Respect and adhere to the International Coaching Federation’s Code of Ethics (https://coachfederation.org/code-of-ethics)


    • Diagnose or treat anything
    • Solve your problems for you
    • Do any of your work for you
    • “Fix” you (because you’re not broken!)
    • Judge you or impose my own opinions on you
    • Give you “hard” advice (e.g. legal, financial, etc.)
    • Take responsibility for you or your actions


    • Call me on time
    • Speak your truth to me and to yourself
    • Be willing to expand your comfort zones
    • Reframe ‘failure’ as a learning opportunity
    • Approach challenges as opportunities for growth
    • Let me know if something isn’t working for you
    • Be open to new ideas and perspectives

Policies and Procedures

All fees agreed upon must be paid in full before coaching begins. I will send you an invoice by email, with a link to make your payment online. 

Everything you share in a coaching session will be held in the strictest of confidence and not shared with anyone, with the following two exceptions:

  1. If release of such information is required by law (i.e. illegal activity, pursuant to valid court order or subpoena), I will comply.
  2. If there is imminent or likely risk of danger to yourself or to others, I will notify you by email that I intend to inform appropriate authorities (if that feels appropriate to the situation), then I will make that contact.

After the coaching has begun, any unused sessions will not be refunded, but may be re-scheduled for up to 12 months after the initial payment.
All unused sessions expire 12 months after the initial payment.
Unused coaching sessions are transferable to another person, provided that person is ready and willing to step into the coaching process. Acceptance of transferred sessions is up to the sole discretion of WAKE UP! Enterprises.

Unless you and I have made other arrangements, please call me at the scheduled time at 303-740-0352.
If you get my voice mail, wait a full minute, then call back. Please do not leave me a message and wait for me to call you.

If you need to reschedule a session, please give me at least a 24-hour notice, and we will reschedule it. If you have an emergency, we will find a way to work it out. If you must cancel a call within 24 hours before our scheduled time, I may not be able to reschedule it, but I will if I have the flexibility in my schedule.

If you are more than 15 minutes late for a call, I will assume the session is canceled, and will not be rescheduled.  If you are late for the call, the session will still end at the designated time. If it is an emergency, I will do what I can to be flexible.

You may call me between our calls if you have a question, or can’t wait to share a win or an ‘AHA!’ with me. I do not charge extra for this time, and I ask that you keep these calls relatively brief (5-10 minutes). Please feel free to email me at any time with questions or comments, too. I do get quite a bit of email, so I also ask that you keep your emails brief and to the point.

My commitment to you is to do all I can to make this coaching partnership rewarding, safe and productive. So if I say something that is upsetting to you, or does not feel right, please bring it up. I will do what I can to make it right. 

Come to your coaching session ready to work

Your coaching call is an investment in yourself and your future. Make the most of that investment by being prepared for your session.


    • 2 hours (or the night before): Complete and submit your Call Prep Form. I will reply to you when I receive it so you also have a copy of it.
    • 10 minutes: Tune out distractions, relax, just “be” with yourself
    • 5 minutes: Collect your thoughts, think about the past week


    • Make notes of any actions you committed to completing
    • Revise your goals, target dates or plans as necessary
    • Get ready for another great week!

Your Coaching Agreement

If you agree to the definitions, expectations and policies as outlined on this page, please complete the fields below, confirm by clicking ‘I AGREE’, then click the Submit button. 

CLICK HERE to download a PDF version of this page for your records.

Client Agreement